
I actually made these yesterday. I have a conversion story to tell, but the night is going on, and well, I'm just tired, okay? Is that okay with you?? See, I'm cranky, too. :) Anywho. These are some amazing earrings (if I do say so myself, and I do) I made in my amazing mother's studio. Needless to say, I have converted to polymer clay. Glorious, glorious polymer clay. How I love you so.

I did some color washes on these puppies. I may do other things, but for now I'll let them dry.

These don't look very exciting. Hey, it's my first day doing this experiment after working 11 hours. Gimme a break. So these cards are more experiments in texture. Gesso, paint, netting. I'll probably add to these with other layers of texture and color later.

Okay, so you have to start somewhere. I said that already. Just making sure you were listening... reading. So first is a picture of me getting eaten by a felt shark. This is not an excuse for the work in the next picture. I'm just letting you know that I almost died.

So this first piece is the first in what will probably be a series of experiments in media on paper. This is simply a card of watercolor paper with different layers of gesso, paint, ink, and of course two buttons. I'll call it Syd.

First I'll start off with a confession. I'm a lazy person. Yes, it's true. We could call it unmotivated, action-challenged, laid back, roll with the punches. However you want to name it, I'm lazy. If there's anything to reincarnation, I was once a well-fed royal feline bathing in the sun.

Now, this doesn't mean I don't do work, and a lot of it. But see, that's just the problem. I work and work and work and then I decide I'm too tired to do anything for myself except watch stories on my laptop and go to bed. Well, I'm always going to be a busy person. And I've decided it's what I do outside of my professional life that's going to define me. And this blog is part of an effort to get me out there doing stuff.

A little about me: I teach junior high. Yes, I am crazy; and yes, that is a tough age. But I like it. I teach English, creative writing, and theater. I put on a musical every year. I plan, grade papers, teach, direct, improvise, implement projects, connect, boost, yell, laugh, and exhaust myself on a regular basis. It's hard not to be entirely consumed by a profession like this one, as I'm sure it is with others.

Being a creative person, I have found that my life is not complete with putting everything I have into work, even if it's creative work I'm doing. I need to be creating for myself. I dabble in just about everything. I have so many projects I've started, I couldn't name them all. Projects I've finished I could count on fingers and toes.

So I'm reflexively throwing down the gauntlet. This blog will be a daily accounting of my personal creations. Every day I will create something and post a picture and blog a bit about it. It may not be pretty; it may not be mind-blowing, revolutionary, ahead of its time, or even original. But I have to start somewhere, right?

Things I may be dabbling in: beads, collage, jewelry, cooking, crochet, wire, heck, even song-writing. I would like to add other things like going to the gym, but I can't do everything at once, people! Gym will come later after all this producing a musical business, so just shut up about that. :)

So this is what I'm doing. Feel free to check in on me and make sure I'm doing what I said I'd do. Someone's got to take responsibility for this! Enjoy.